




Presented by hirotsugu nishina








Presented by hirotsugu nishina


Vol.0072… "Religious relationship between politicians who go crazy"


 July 8, 2022 was the day Japan left a historical stain on the world. An experienced Japanese prime minister died in an assassination during an election speech. This is the first time since the incumbent lawmakers, Mr. Korekiyo Takahashi in the 226 Incident and Mr. Tsuyoshi Inukai in the 515 Incident, were killed before the war. It may be described as the 0708 incident in future history books. The perpetrator is a former Maritime Self-Defense Force member and is in a position that can be said to be a former soldier in the light of the prewar period. Generally, once you belong to the Self-Defense Forces, even if you leave the army, you are considered to have a lifelong defense obligation to Japan and the people as a reserve force. The main motive seems to be that the collapse of the perpetrator's family and the excessive donation of the mother to a new religion (formerly the Unification Church) caused tragedy due to financial hardship. The perpetrator is due to her mother's cause of self-destruction, but she became a delusional believer in the former Unification Church, continued to make huge donations even if her house went bankrupt, and destroyed the economic environment of her dependents. The grudge against the former Unification Church sprouted distrust of the politicians who flocked to it. Former Prime Minister Abe cannot hide the fact that his honeymoon with the Unification Church has continued for three generations since his maternal grandfather. Even after the former Unification Church changed its name, former Prime Minister Abe continued to pay homage to the former Unification Church. It is speculated that this is the reason why Yamagami had no choice but to target Shinzo Abe. It seems that Yamagami's appraisal detention will continue until November 29, but the motive of the case, the mystery of the whereabouts of the bullet and the existence of the bullet, the possibility of multiple offenses, the definitive evidence of a single offense, the inconsistency of the dissection results of the hospital and the police The deep connection between politicians and the former Unification Church and the impact of the death of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on the power struggle will require a thick criticism when it comes to trial, but there is a good chance that the defense will counterattack. As a result of the psychological examination, the possibility of not being prosecuted due to lack of criminal responsibility is not zero, but the point is that public opinion is paying close attention to how far the truth of the case will be revealed. Mr. Shigeharu Aoyama, a member of the House of Councilors, posted a video of a mysterious "Faking It" on his youtube channel, but Yukan Fuji made it public in an article with nearly 400,000 views. It is unclear whether the alleged assassination, which is similar to the JFK case, will be investigated only by a single offender or expanded to other investigations, but in any case, the truth of the case has just begun. Many politicians in the ruling party must consider this case as shameful to the world, as the deep relationship with the former Unification Church was the direct cause of the case. More than 100 lawmakers, mainly the LDP, are trying to justify their relationship with the former Unification Church, losing their judgment of common sense and insane, and not knowing the difference between justice and injustice. From the point of view of the world's public opinion, it seems only abnormal. Japan is said to be a country where the sun rises, but it is also thought to be a country that has sunk deep into the seabed. Although Japan is the only country that has been bombed, its opposition to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons is nothing less than the defeat of the United States on the nuclear umbrella. The politicians' perception that the revision of the Constitution of Japan is possible only with the majority of the people's approval is too lax. There are more than 100 geopolitical facilities and bases with extraterritoriality in Japan after the war, even in relation to the U.S. military alone. Isn't it misunderstood that Japan became independent just by being there? It is obvious from the fact that the flight routes of Japanese civilian aircraft are restricted, and especially the base problem in Okinawa is in a situation where it will not be solved forever no matter how much the Japanese government changes. It cannot be overlooked that the tremendous deterioration phenomenon of politicians is accelerating the damage to the lives of the Japanese people and the loss of decency. The power struggle of the politicians to distort the democracy given after the war and guide the people in the wrong direction can be the cause of the historical negative heritage that causes the tragedy of Japan. The nuclear power generation business in half a century was also a national policy of half-government, but after the nuclear power plant accident in 2011, the Supreme Court made an extraordinary ruling that ordered four executives of Tokyo Electric Power Company to pay 13 trillion yen in damages. I put it out. How do we actually compensate? Given that the Japanese government has absolutely no responsibility and is imposing everything on private electric power companies, it seems that Japan no longer has the qualifications to be a country governed by the rule of law. Even in the case of former Prime Minister Abe's attack, public opinion is looking suspicious at the clear discrepancy between the hospital side and the police side. The involvement of the former Unification Church and the chairman of the National Public Safety Commission was discovered, and Hosoda, the top lawmaker of the faction in charge of the administration, proudly participated in the lectures of the former Unification Church and was deeply involved in politics. It means to announce to the world that it has become a lawless area. This is nothing but an insult to the good sense of the Japanese people.


































Presented by hirotsugu nishina









Presented by hirotsugu nishina


Vol.0070… "Sharing justice and compromise necessary for human evolution"


Even in the middle of June 2022, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine continues. As a result of the excessive speculation and strategy of the two camps facing each other, some clues to the end of the conflict have been revealed. Turkey has been keeping an eye on the existence of casting boats between the two countries, but there is no doubt that President Erdogan's command is the key to the fate of future 21st century civilization. Japan has made an urgent statement without considering the position of following Europe and the United States. It is against Japan's justice to attend a conference without being a member of NATO. Japan should maintain its neutrality in all cases, and even though it has been 77 years since the defeat of World War II, it has become a puppet state of the United States, which is an atomic bombed country and has no air superiority. I think that we should do the politics because of the fact that there is. In the 21st century, the Japanese government has fallen into a lame duck. As is clear from the history of the Koizumi Cabinet, the Democratic Party Cabinet, the Abe Cabinet, and the post-government, the Japanese people are distracted from politics and are indifferent and obedient even when the former prewar totalitarian government begins. I am worried that I am trying to maintain my stance. Japan has no experience in building a French Revolutionary bloody nation. The Meiji Restoration was a battle between the Tokugawa Shogunate and the samurai of the dissident, but it was not the new government that the common people could win. It makes sense that the US-Japan Treaty of Amity and Commerce was signed before the American Civil War, and Japan's gold and silver were stripped by a foreign exchange strategy and used to fund the North Army in the Civil War. Regardless of the truth, it is famous that the weapons and ammunition left over from the early end of the Civil War were used as tools for the Boshin War in Japan, which did not have to be done, via Britain and France. There, Ryoma Sakamoto was involved in the influence of arms dealers and old and new powers, and numerous novels, movies and dramas of the Meiji Restoration were born. The mysterious theories about the birth of Emperor Meiji are still unending. Even in the 21st century, the Japanese people after the war endure the ninja and endure the ninja. The politician has forgotten that now. It's also a shame. Japan's fate may have already been decided through more than a dozen talks between Emperor Showa and MacArthur. MacArthur's confidant "Whitney Document", which participated in the draft of the Constitution of Japan, is out of confidentiality, so I think you should take a look. It should guide your life in some way.

It can be said that there is justice and justice on both sides in the dispute between nations, but depending on which position the war wins or loses, good or bad is placed under control or the ruler. Will be decided. It is common sense that if you win, you are a government army, and if you lose, you are a thief army. It is said that Japan won the Russo-Japanese War, but without the setting of the United States, it would not have happened, so it would be a real draw. After the Meiji Restoration, Japan had almost no money, and was barely struggling to manage the nation with compensation. The post-war reconstruction funds of World War II were supported by foreign countries, but thanks to the economic growth recovered by the Korean War economy, they managed to pay, but no one is proud of that. The Vietnam War was set up by the United States, but the United States was defeated. In the Iraq War, Mr. Hussein, who was innocent on suspicion of weapons of mass destruction, was executed in a people's trial. I don't know if Bin Laden was the mastermind of the 911, but he directed a mysterious murder during the Obama administration. Before the onset of wars and conflicts, we are prepared for mutual justice and justice, but it is difficult to determine which is right or wrong. First of all, in order to make an accurate determination, it is necessary to confirm the cause of the matter and the historical time series. Here is the difficulty for humans to judge humans. Anyway, sharing justice and compromise is essential even in absurd situations.





Представлено Хироцугу Нишиной


Vol.0070… «Обеспечение справедливости и компромисс, необходимые для эволюции человечества»


Даже в середине июня 2022 года конфликт между Россией и Украиной продолжается. В результате чрезмерных спекуляций и стратегии двух противостоящих друг другу лагерей были обнаружены некоторые ключи к развязке конфликта. Турция следит за наличием лодок между двумя странами, но нет никаких сомнений в том, что команда президента Эрдогана является ключом к судьбе будущей цивилизации 21-го века. Япония сделала экстренное заявление, не учитывая позицию вслед за Европой и США. Присутствие на конференции, не являясь членом НАТО, противоречит справедливости Японии. Япония должна сохранять свой нейтралитет во всех случаях, и хоть прошло уже 77 лет после поражения во Второй мировой войне, она стала марионеточным государством США, которые атомные бомбардировки и не имеют превосходства в воздухе. что мы должны заниматься политикой из-за того, что есть. В 21 веке японское правительство попало в хромую утку. Как видно из истории кабинета Коидзуми, кабинета Демократической партии, кабинета Абэ и постправительства, японский народ отвлечен от политики и безразличен и послушен даже тогда, когда начинается прежнее довоенное тоталитарное правительство. что я пытаюсь сохранить свою позицию. У Японии нет опыта построения кровавой французской революционной нации. Реставрация Мэйдзи была битвой между сёгунатом Токугава и самураями-диссидентами, но не новое правительство могло победить простых людей. Имеет смысл, что американо-японский договор о дружбе и торговле был подписан до Гражданской войны в США, а золото и серебро Японии были лишены валютной стратегии и использованы для финансирования Северной армии во время Гражданской войны. Несмотря на правду, известно, что оружие и боеприпасы, оставшиеся с раннего окончания Гражданской войны, использовались в качестве инструментов для войны Босин в Японии, чего не нужно было делать, через Великобританию и Францию. Там Рёма Сакамото попал под влияние торговцев оружием и старых и новых сил, и родились многочисленные романы, фильмы и драмы о Реставрации Мэйдзи. Таинственные теории о рождении императора Мэйдзи все еще бесконечны. Даже в 21 веке японцы после войны терпят ниндзя и терпят ниндзя. Политик уже забыл об этом. Это также позор. Судьба Японии, возможно, уже была решена в результате более чем дюжины переговоров между императором Сёва и Макартуром. Доверенное лицо Макартура «Документ Уитни», который участвовал в проекте Конституции Японии, не является конфиденциальным, поэтому я думаю, вам следует взглянуть. Это должно каким-то образом направлять вашу жизнь.

Можно сказать, что в споре между народами есть справедливость и правосудие с обеих сторон, но в зависимости от того, какую позицию в войне выиграет или проиграет, добро или зло поставлено под контроль или правителя. Здравый смысл гласит, что если вы побеждаете, вы являетесь правительственной армией, а если проигрываете, вы являетесь армией воров. Говорят, что Япония выиграла русско-японскую войну, но без сеттинга США этого бы не произошло, так что это была бы настоящая ничья. После Реставрации Мэйдзи у Японии почти не было денег, и она едва пыталась управлять страной с помощью компенсации. Фонды послевоенного восстановления Второй мировой войны были поддержаны зарубежными странами, но благодаря экономическому росту, восстановленному экономикой Корейской войны, они сумели окупиться, но этим никто не гордится. Война во Вьетнаме была организована Соединенными Штатами, но Соединенные Штаты потерпели поражение. Во время войны в Ираке г-н Хусейн, невиновный по подозрению в хранении оружия массового уничтожения, был казнен по народному суду. Я не знаю, был ли бен Ладен вдохновителем 911, но он руководил загадочным убийством во времена администрации Обамы. Перед началом войн и конфликтов мы готовы к взаимной справедливости и справедливости, но трудно определить, что правильно, а что нет. В первую очередь, чтобы сделать точное определение, необходимо подтвердить причину вопроса и исторический временной ряд. Вот в чем трудность для людей судить людей. В любом случае, разделение справедливости и компромисса необходимо даже в абсурдных ситуациях.




عيون التاريخ الجديد

مُقدم من hirotsugu nishina


Vol.0070 ... "تقاسم العدالة والتسوية اللازمة للتطور البشري"


حتى في منتصف يونيو 2022 ، استمر الصراع بين روسيا وأوكرانيا. نتيجة للتكهنات والاستراتيجية المفرطة بين المعسكرين في مواجهة بعضهما البعض ، تم الكشف عن بعض القرائن على نهاية الصراع. كانت تركيا تراقب وجود قوارب الصب بين البلدين ، لكن لا شك في أن قيادة الرئيس أردوغان هي المفتاح لمصير حضارة القرن الحادي والعشرين في المستقبل. أصدرت اليابان بيانًا عاجلاً دون التفكير في موقف اتباع أوروبا والولايات المتحدة. إن حضور مؤتمر دون أن تكون عضوًا في الناتو مخالف لعدالة اليابان. يجب أن تحافظ اليابان على حيادها في جميع الحالات ، وعلى الرغم من مرور 77 عامًا على هزيمة الحرب العالمية الثانية ، إلا أنها أصبحت دولة دمية للولايات المتحدة ، وهي دولة تعرضت للقصف الذري وليس لها تفوق جوي. أعتقد أننا يجب أن نقوم بالسياسة بسبب حقيقة وجودها. في القرن الحادي والعشرين ، سقطت الحكومة اليابانية في بطة عرجاء. كما هو واضح من تاريخ حكومة كويزومي ، ومجلس الوزراء للحزب الديمقراطي ، ومجلس وزراء آبي ، وما بعد الحكومة ، فإن الشعب الياباني مشتت عن السياسة وغير مبالٍ ومطيع حتى عندما تبدأ الحكومة الشمولية السابقة للحرب. إنني قلق أنني أحاول الحفاظ على موقفي. ليس لليابان خبرة في بناء أمة فرنسية ثورية دموية. كانت استعادة ميجي معركة بين توكوغاوا شوغونيت وساموراي المنشق ، لكن لم تكن الحكومة الجديدة هي التي يمكن أن يفوز بها عامة الناس. من المنطقي أن معاهدة الصداقة والتجارة بين الولايات المتحدة واليابان قد تم التوقيع عليها قبل الحرب الأهلية الأمريكية ، وتم تجريد الذهب والفضة من اليابان من خلال استراتيجية الصرف الأجنبي واستخدامها لتمويل الجيش الشمالي في الحرب الأهلية. بغض النظر عن الحقيقة ، من المعروف أن الأسلحة والذخيرة المتبقية من نهاية الحرب الأهلية المبكرة قد استخدمت كأدوات لحرب بوشين في اليابان ، والتي لم يكن من الضروري القيام بها ، عبر بريطانيا وفرنسا. هناك ، كان ريوما ساكاموتو متورطًا في تأثير تجار الأسلحة والقوى القديمة والجديدة ، وولدت العديد من الروايات والأفلام والدراما من استعادة ميجي. النظريات الغامضة حول ولادة الإمبراطور ميجي لا تزال بلا نهاية. حتى في القرن الحادي والعشرين ، عانى الشعب الياباني بعد الحرب النينجا وتحمل النينجا. لقد نسي السياسي ذلك الآن. إنه عار أيضًا. ربما تم تحديد مصير اليابان بالفعل من خلال أكثر من اثنتي عشرة محادثات بين الإمبراطور شوا وماك آرثر. "وثيقة ويتني" المقرب من ماك آرثر ، والتي شاركت في مسودة دستور اليابان ، هي خارج السرية ، لذلك أعتقد أنه يجب عليك إلقاء نظرة. يجب أن توجه حياتك بطريقة ما.

يمكن القول أن هناك عدلًا وعدلًا في كلا الجانبين في الخلاف بين الأمم ، ولكن اعتمادًا على الموقف الذي تنتصر فيه الحرب أو تخسرها ، يتم وضع الخير أو السيئ تحت السيطرة أو الحاكم. من المنطقي أنك إذا فزت ، فأنت جيش حكومي ، وإذا خسرت ، فأنت جيش لص. يقال إن اليابان انتصرت في الحرب الروسية اليابانية ، لكن بدون وضع الولايات المتحدة ، لم يكن ذلك ليحدث ، لذلك سيكون التعادل حقيقيًا. بعد استعادة ميجي ، لم يكن لدى اليابان أي أموال تقريبًا ، وكانت تكافح بالكاد لإدارة الأمة من خلال التعويض. تم دعم أموال إعادة الإعمار بعد الحرب العالمية الثانية من قبل الدول الأجنبية ، ولكن بفضل النمو الاقتصادي الذي تعافى من قبل اقتصاد الحرب الكورية ، تمكنوا من الدفع ، لكن لا أحد يفتخر بذلك. شنت الولايات المتحدة حرب فيتنام ، لكن الولايات المتحدة هُزمت. في حرب العراق ، تم إعدام السيد حسين ، الذي كان بريئا للاشتباه في امتلاكه أسلحة دمار شامل ، في محاكمة شعبية. لا أعرف ما إذا كان بن لادن هو العقل المدبر لـ 911 ، لكنه وجه جريمة قتل غامضة خلال إدارة أوباما. قبل اندلاع الحروب والصراعات ، نحن مستعدون للعدالة والعدل المتبادلين ، لكن من الصعب تحديد الصواب والخطأ. بادئ ذي بدء ، من أجل اتخاذ قرار دقيق ، من الضروري تأكيد سبب الأمر والسلسلة الزمنية التاريخية. هنا تكمن الصعوبة التي يواجهها البشر في الحكم على البشر. على أي حال ، فإن تقاسم العدالة والتسوية أمر ضروري حتى في المواقف السخيفة.




Hirotsugu nishina tarafından sunuldu


Vol.0070… "İnsan evrimi için gerekli adalet ve uzlaşmayı paylaşmak"


Haziran 2022'nin ortasında bile Rusya ile Ukrayna arasındaki çatışma devam ediyor. Karşı karşıya gelen iki kampın aşırı spekülasyon ve stratejisi sonucunda, çatışmanın sonunun geldiğine dair bazı ipuçları ortaya çıktı. Türkiye, iki ülke arasındaki döküm teknelerinin varlığını yakından takip ediyor, ancak hiç şüphe yok ki Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan'ın komutası, gelecekteki 21. yüzyıl medeniyetinin kaderinin anahtarıdır. Japonya, Avrupa ve ABD'yi takip eden konumunu dikkate almadan acil bir açıklama yaptı. NATO üyesi olmadan bir konferansa katılmak Japonya'nın adaletine aykırıdır. Japonya her halükarda tarafsızlığını korumalı ve 2. Dünya Savaşı'nın yenilmesinin üzerinden 77 yıl geçmiş olmasına rağmen atom bombası atan ve hava üstünlüğü olmayan Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nin kukla devleti haline gelmiştir bence. siyaseti yapmamız gerektiği gerçeğinden dolayı var. 21. yüzyılda, Japon hükümeti topal bir ördeğe düştü. Koizumi Kabinesi, Demokrat Parti Kabinesi, Abe Kabinesi ve hükümet sonrasının tarihinden de anlaşılacağı gibi, Japon halkı siyasetten uzaklaşmış ve eski savaş öncesi totaliter hükümet başladığında bile kayıtsız ve itaatkar. duruşumu korumaya çalışıyorum. Japonya'nın Fransız Devrimci kanlı bir ulus inşa etme deneyimi yok. Meiji Restorasyonu, Tokugawa Shogunate ile muhalif samuraylar arasında bir savaştı, ancak sıradan insanların kazanabileceği yeni hükümet değildi. ABD-Japonya Dostluk ve Ticaret Antlaşması'nın Amerikan İç Savaşı'ndan önce imzalanmış olması ve Japonya'nın altın ve gümüşünün bir döviz stratejisiyle elinden alınması ve İç Savaşta Kuzey Ordusunu finanse etmek için kullanılması mantıklı. Gerçek ne olursa olsun, İç Savaşın başlarından kalan silah ve mühimmatın, İngiltere ve Fransa üzerinden Japonya'da yapılması gerekmeyen Bosna Savaşı için araç olarak kullanılmasıyla ünlüdür. Orada, Ryoma Sakamoto silah tüccarlarının ve eski ve yeni güçlerin etkisine katıldı ve Meiji Restorasyonu'nun sayısız romanı, filmi ve draması doğdu. İmparator Meiji'nin doğumuyla ilgili gizemli teoriler hala bitmiyor. 21. yüzyılda bile Japon halkı savaştan sonra ninjaya katlanır ve ninjaya katlanır. Politikacı şimdi bunu unuttu. Aynı zamanda ayıp. Japonya'nın kaderi, İmparator Showa ve MacArthur arasındaki bir düzineden fazla görüşmede çoktan belirlenmiş olabilir. Japonya Anayasası taslağına katılan MacArthur'un sırdaşı "Whitney Belgesi" gizlilik dışıdır, bu yüzden bir göz atmanız gerektiğini düşünüyorum. Bir şekilde hayatınıza yön vermelidir.

Uluslar arasındaki çekişmede her iki tarafta da adalet ve adaletin olduğu söylenebilir ancak savaşın hangi pozisyonda kazanıp kaybedeceğine göre iyi ya da kötü kontrol ya da hükümdar tarafından belirlenir. Kazanırsanız bir hükümet ordusu, kaybederseniz bir hırsız ordusu olduğunuz sağduyudur. Japonya'nın Rus-Japon Savaşı'nı kazandığı söyleniyor, ancak Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nin ayarı olmasaydı bu olmazdı, bu yüzden gerçek bir beraberlik olurdu. Meiji Restorasyonu'ndan sonra, Japonya'nın neredeyse hiç parası yoktu ve ulusu tazminatla yönetmek için zorlukla mücadele ediyordu. İkinci Dünya Savaşı'nın savaş sonrası yeniden yapılanma fonları yabancı ülkeler tarafından desteklendi, ancak Kore Savaşı ekonomisinin toparladığı ekonomik büyüme sayesinde ödemeyi başardılar, ancak bununla kimse gurur duymuyor. Vietnam Savaşı, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri tarafından kuruldu, ancak Amerika Birleşik Devletleri yenildi. Irak Savaşı'nda kitle imha silahları şüphesiyle masum olan Hüseyin Bey halk mahkemesinde idam edildi. 911'in beyni Bin Ladin miydi bilmiyorum ama Obama yönetimi sırasında gizemli bir cinayeti yönetti. Savaşlar ve çatışmalar başlamadan önce, karşılıklı adalet ve adalet için hazırlanırız, ancak hangisinin doğru hangisinin yanlış olduğunu belirlemek zordur. Öncelikle doğru bir tespit yapabilmek için konunun nedenini ve tarihsel zaman serilerini teyit etmek gerekir. İnsanların insanları yargılamasının zorluğu buradadır. Her neyse, saçma durumlarda bile adaleti ve uzlaşmayı paylaşmak esastır.


THE NEW HISTORY EYES...Vol.0069(最終追記版)



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Vol.0069 ... "A compromise between Mr. Zelensky and Mr. Putin in deep psychology"


A meeting between the Russian Foreign Minister and the Turkish Foreign Minister took place on June 8, 2022. The media conflict between Russia and Ukraine / Western countries makes it difficult to accurately grasp the war situation. It is unclear whether the ceasefire and truce negotiations will be established as desired by the Ukrainian side, but it is highly likely that the effective controlled areas after the invasion by the Russian side will be excluded, and Ukraine's NATO non-membership eternal neutralization and military from overseas No target acceptance ・ Ukraine's accession to the EU is likely to be a basic compromise of permission. The biggest concern is Ukraine's future security framework, but it depends on whether Ukraine accepts that Western countries, including NATO and the United States, and Russia promise Ukraine's security. Russia will ceded the territory controlled after the invasion of Ukraine, but if Mr. Kissinger advocated, Ukraine may be likely to follow it deeply psychologically. This is a delicate negotiation of where the compromise will end, and although it is unpredictable, I think there are many domestic public opinions that Mr. Zelensky should not hesitate if the peace in Ukraine is achieved. It can be said that the world is now watching the outcome of the ceasefire and truce between Russia and Ukraine.

Mr Putin's invasion of Ukraine cannot be described without knowing the causal and political background. In Japan, the EU and the countries of the United Kingdom, Australia and North America impose economic sanctions on Russia, but in reality, the countries that are willing to sanction Russia outnumber the western countries in terms of population and area. .. The ruble dropped sharply during Russia's invasion of Ukraine, but now the dollar has plummeted rather than returning. Russia has a high impact on the world in the energy and food fields as well.

In 2014 Russia made the Crimean Peninsula independent. After that, Donetsk and Lugansk, where many pro-Russian citizens in eastern Ukraine live, became independent as republics. Russia, Germany, France and Ukraine have reached an agreement in Minsk, Belarus, but the absurdity of Ukraine's resistance and tightening on the two eastern states have been repeated. From a neutral point of view, Ukraine might not have seen the sacrifice of the Ukrainian people if it was content with Russia's puppet government. Ukraine's political situation was chaotic before Russia annexed the Crimean Peninsula. With pro-Russian presidents and anti-Russian presidents being elected repeatedly, neo-Nazi private soldiers became national guard battalions in Ukraine and maintained a certain amount of influence on the parliament. Nevertheless, until then, Ukraine was based on the lines of non-EU membership, non-NATO membership, non-nuclear declaration, and compliance with the Minsk agreement. In 2019, comedian President Zelensky was elected, but the attacks on the eastern part of the Azov Regiment continued. He ordered him to quit, but he was not dealt with by the politically and militarily influential Azov Regiment and failed to keep his promise in the presidential election. Approval rating to the president has reached about 20%, and the Zelensky administration suddenly went on a rampage of joining the EU, joining NATO, accepting nuclear weapons, and ignoring the Minsk agreement. Mr Putin of Russia could not have tolerated the Zelensky administration. NATO's eastern expansion centered on the United States has added to this and stimulated the Russian side. Even though he is not a member of NATO, it is impossible to continue to provide weapons to Ukraine in the future. It only amplifies the scorched earth of Ukrawina.

The United States and Britain were stimulating the Russian side by leaking behind-the-scenes information with their favorite propaganda strategy. President Zelensky is said to be treated as a hero in Western countries, but is it really true? Even if there is absurdity in the situation of winning or losing the war, I think it is the responsibility of the top leaders of the country to decide what kind of measures are necessary to protect the lives and property of the people.



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 持続化給付金の相次ぐ不正事件、役所による人為的ミスでの過度な振り込みなどが社会問題となっている。何十年も遅れてようやく設立されたデジタル庁はなぜ今なのかどうも理解に苦しむ人が殆どだと思う。米国では割合スムーズに複数回における個人へのコロナ禍における現金支給が行われたが。日本では2020年のコロナ禍の初期の頃から、公金での持続化給付金やGO TOキャンペーン(旅行・飲食・宿泊関係)の民間へのほぼ100%を依頼するシステムを構築した結果、詐欺や不正が増えることは大いに予測できた。大手の広告会社(マスメディアの表現)いわゆる電通などが主導して設立した、環境共創イニシアチブや同類のサービスデザイン推進協議会(職員は二十数人)の事務局が多額の手数料を手に入れる構図を作った。そのことは国会でも問題になったが、官庁と広告会社ががっちりスクラムを組み理不尽でも合法化での公金剥奪システムを構築したことが、不正や詐欺の横行を許した起因ともなっていることは認識しておいた方がいい。それにしても、国税局の職員が徒党を組んで持続化給付金の横領に関与し、罪悪感の欠片が微塵もない若者の顔を見ているとなんとも悲しくなってくる。日本は精神的に美しい国だったと見られていたはずだが、欧米列強の理不尽さが体の隅まで侵していることには、まさに日本は憂国というほかはない。「仮想通貨・暗号資産・租税回避」が現代文明の破壊の呼び水という認識が根付いてしまった今、私たちの未来の安寧は現実のものとなりえるのだろうか?





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Vol.0068 ...

"The lawless zone of Japan where illegal receipt of public money and fraud are rampant"


A series of fraudulent cases of sustainable benefits and excessive transfer due to human error by the government office have become social problems. I think most people have a hard time understanding why the Digital Agency, which was finally established decades later, is now. In the United States, cash payments were made to individuals in multiple times with a smooth rate of Korona-ka. In Japan, from the early days of the Korona-ka in 2020, as a result of building a system to request almost 100% of sustainable benefits with public money and GO TO campaign (travel, eating and drinking, accommodation related) to the private sector, fraud and fraud It was highly predictable that fraud would increase. The secretariat of the Environmental Co-creation Initiative and the Service Design Engineering Council (with more than 20 staff members), which was established by a major advertising company (expression of mass media) so-called Dentsu, received a large fee. I made a composition to put it in. That became a problem in the Diet, but I recognize that the fact that the government office and the advertising company firmly formed a scrum and built a legalized public money deprivation system even if it was unreasonable is also the cause of allowing fraud and fraud to spread. You should keep it. Even so, it makes me sad to see the face of a young man who has formed a clique and is involved in the embezzlement of sustainable benefits, and the fragments of guilt are fine. Japan must have been seen as a spiritually beautiful country, but the fact that the unreasonableness of the Western powers has invaded every corner of the body is nothing but a melancholy country. Now that the recognition that "virtual currency, crypto assets, tax avoidance" has taken root as the priming of the destruction of modern civilization, can our future well-being become a reality?

Ukraine and Russia are under pressure to ceasefire or truce without going to reconciliation. We can predict what it will look like, but the success and conclusion of the negotiations depends on the qualities of mutual top leaders who can recognize the lessons of geopolitical history. Oliver Stone, who I personally respect, has been noted in "Ukraine on Fire" and "Documentary film of a solo interview with life-sized Putin", but he is concerned about Japan. Is understandable. Geopolitically, Ukraine was in a puppet position in Russia, but Japan is also in a puppet position in the United States in a sense. Ukraine was eager to join NATO, so Russia carried out a special military operation called an invasion with a tight check. For example, what would the United States do if Japan had a similar government to join the Russian and Chinese camps? It is predicted that the tragedy of a clash between the Self-Defense Forces and the US military will occur, and all cities in Japan will become a sea of ​​fire and will be destroyed as in eastern Ukraine. Even if we say the construction of a peaceful world, in reality it is impossible to protect the country without a powerful military force. Even if it is called the Japan-US Security Treaty, in the event of an emergency, the response to Japan will be considered only after discussions and decisions are made by the U.S. Parliament, so how much continuous combat capability does the SDF have? Is unknown, but it will be very difficult to hold up until US support begins. There is a great absurdity in the Constitution that does not recognize the right to engage in the war when the United States led and proposed the original of the Constitution of Japan, but since Japan surrendered unconditionally, there is no point in saying anything. Twenty years later, it will be a milestone of 100 years after the war, but even after that, Japan has autonomy, but whether it is recognized as a true independent country with air superiority is a future history book. No one knows until you do.




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 TNHE(THE NEW HISTORY EYES)の求める究極の理念は、繰り返される権力の歴史の脆弱さから乗り越えられる平和な世界の模索と構築にある。21世紀は500年前からの大航海時代アングロサクソンからみれば)の、延長線上にあることを深く肝に銘じるべきであると考えている。歴史の教訓は活かされるどころか、絶え間なく進化のない連続性を繰り返している。プーチン氏はロシアにとっては希有な政治家なのかもしれない。今後、憲法の改正で中国の習近平氏とともに半永久的に国のトップに君臨しようとしている。ジョー・バイデン氏は一期で終わる可能性が高く、ドナルド・トランプ氏は2024年の大統領選では再選されるかもしれない。日本の安倍氏は二度の途中でのリタイアで信任は失っていて、後を引き継いだ首相には未来の日本の希望を抱かせる器にはない。未来の国の姿を真剣に日本人は考えるべきだろう。2022年のロシアとウクライナの紛争は軍事面での情勢が先走りをしていて、和平へのあるべき外交努力を怠っているかに見える。EUNATO側の存在意義もはっきりと見直す努力は必要だ。ソ連の崩壊とともにワルシャワ条約機構は解体されたが、NATOの機構は東方拡大に走りすぎた。ウクライナソ連崩壊後もNATOに加入していなかった。ロシアはウクライナを中立化することでNATOからの防衛の緩衝地帯にする必要があった。しかし米国のウクライナNATO加盟と旧ワルシャワ機構側の国への行き過ぎた戦略の姿勢に問題があった。文明の興亡という視点で現代を考えれば、目先の地政学的な情報などに振り回されてばかりではいけない。紛争や戦争の起因は必ずあるのだから和平への解決方法はどこかにあるはずだ。中国の一帯一路構想に対してのIPEF(インド太平洋経済枠組み)やQUAD(日米豪印安全保障枠組み)の曖昧な設定は東西両陣営の敵対意識を挑発するだけで、あまり期待できるものではない。COVID-19と世界の紛争で21世紀の四半世紀の舞台はどこまで維持できるのか、私たちは時代の証人として見つめて行かなければならない。




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Vol.0067… "How to live in the 21st century and quarter century"


It is often said that the rise and fall of civilization has been repeated endlessly since the dawn of history, but does it mean that human beings can only use the lessons of those who embody the history at that time? There is no doubt that the world today is based on the power balance of the three major powers of China, the United States, and Russia. Japan, which was said to be a country of Wa, had a time when it was aiming to conquer the world, and the sight of the descendants of the Imperial Headquarters who were still involved in the Imperial Rule Assistance Association trying to survive and occupy the taste of the power of this country is truly a gloomy country. It is nothing but the ground. It may be an annoying and natural reason that once you have power, you don't want to let it go. Defense, slaughter and domination. It is a common matter of human beings (organisms). However, the price has a profound effect on the rise and fall of civilization.

The ultimate idea of ​​TNHE (THE NEW HISTORY EYES) is to seek and build a peaceful world that can overcome the repeated weaknesses of the history of power. I think it should be deeply remembered that the 21st century is an extension of the Age of Discovery (from Anglo-Saxon's point of view) from 500 years ago. Far from being utilized, the lessons of history are constantly repeating continuous evolution. Putin may be a rare politician for Russia. In the future, the constitutional amendment is about to reign semi-permanently at the top of the country with Mr. Xi Jinping of China. Joe Biden is likely to end in a single term, and Donald Trump may be reelected in the 2024 presidential election. Mr Abe of Japan has lost his confidence due to his retirement on the way twice, and the prime minister who succeeded him has no hope for Japan in the future. The Japanese should seriously consider the future of the country. The 2022 conflict between Russia and Ukraine seems to be ahead of the military situation and neglecting the diplomatic efforts that should be made for peace. Efforts are needed to clearly review the significance of existence on the EU and NATO sides. The Warsaw Pact was dismantled with the collapse of the Soviet Union, but NATO's mechanism ran too far to the east. Ukraine did not join NATO after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Russia needed to neutralize Ukraine to make it a buffer zone for defense from NATO. However, there was a problem with Ukraine's accession to NATO by the United States and its excessive strategic attitude toward the country of the former Warsaw Pact. Considering the present age from the perspective of the rise and fall of civilization, we should not be swayed by the geopolitical information of the immediate future. Since there are always causes of conflict and war, there must be a solution to peace. The vague setting of IPEF (Indo-Pacific Economic Framework) and QUAD (Japan-US-Australia-India Security Framework) for China's Belt and Road Initiative only provokes hostility between the East and West camps, and is not very promising. .. We must look as witnesses of the times to see how far the stage of the 21st century can be maintained by the conflict between COVID-19 and the world.





Представлено Хироцугу Нишиной

Vol.0067… "Как жить в 21 веке и четверть века"


Часто говорят, что взлеты и падения цивилизации бесконечно повторялись с самого начала истории, но означает ли это, что люди могут использовать только уроки тех, кто олицетворяет историю того времени? Нет сомнений в том, что современный мир основан на балансе сил трех крупнейших держав Китая, США и России. В Японии, которая, как говорили, была страной Ва, было время, когда она стремилась завоевать мир, и вид потомков имперского штаба, которые все еще были вовлечены в Ассоциацию содействия имперскому правлению, пытаясь выжить и оккупировать мир. Вкус силы этой страны поистине мрачная страна, это не что иное, как земля. Это может быть раздражающей и естественной причиной того, что, получив власть, вы не хотите ее отпускать. Защита, резня и господство. Это общее дело людей (организмов). Однако цена оказывает глубокое влияние на подъем и падение цивилизации.

Конечная идея TNHE (ГЛАЗА НОВОЙ ИСТОРИИ) состоит в том, чтобы искать и строить мирный мир, который сможет преодолеть повторяющиеся слабости истории власти. Я думаю, что следует глубоко помнить, что 21-й век является продолжением эпохи географических открытий (с точки зрения англо-саксов) 500-летней давности. Уроки истории далеки от того, чтобы быть использованными, они постоянно повторяют непрерывную эволюцию. Путин может быть редким политиком для России. В будущем поправка к конституции будет полупостоянно править страной с г-ном Си Цзиньпином из Китая. Джо Байден, скорее всего, останется на одном сроке, а Дональд Трамп может быть переизбран на президентских выборах 2024 года. Г-н Абэ из Японии потерял уверенность в себе из-за того, что дважды уходил на пенсию в пути, а пришедший к власти премьер-министр не является кораблем, который питает надежду на будущее Японии. Японцам следует серьезно подумать о будущем страны. Конфликт 2022 года между Россией и Украиной, похоже, опережает военную ситуацию и игнорирует дипломатические усилия, которые необходимо предпринять для мира. Нужны усилия по четкому пересмотру значимости существования на стороне ЕС и НАТО. Варшавский договор был демонтирован с распадом Советского Союза, но механизм НАТО зашел слишком далеко на восток. Украина не вступила в НАТО после распада Советского Союза. России нужно было нейтрализовать Украину, чтобы сделать ее буферной зоной для обороны от НАТО. Однако существовала проблема со вступлением Украины в НАТО со стороны США и их чрезмерной стратегической позицией по отношению к стране бывшего Варшавского договора. Рассматривая нынешнюю эпоху с точки зрения подъема и падения цивилизации, мы не должны поддаваться влиянию геополитической информации ближайшего будущего. Поскольку всегда есть причины конфликтов и войн, должно быть и мирное решение. Расплывчатая установка IPEF (Indo-Pacific Economic Framework) и QUAD (Japan-US-Australia-India Security Framework) для китайской инициативы «Один пояс, один путь» только провоцирует враждебность между лагерями Востока и Запада и не очень многообещающа... Мы должны смотреть как свидетели времени, чтобы увидеть, насколько сцена 21-го века может поддерживаться конфликтом между COVID-19 и миром.




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Vol.0066 ... "Japan Post Group's dual structure and guidelines for the future"


 As of May 23, 2022, three months have passed since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, but in eastern Mariupol, the Azov Battalion (neonazi), who had resisted under the steelworks, posted and became virtually complete control of the Russian side. That is. Military experts said that Russia's military operations were largely accomplished when it came to full control of the southern Kherson Raion, which affects the Crimean Peninsula. The situation is unpredictable for the next six months due to the influence of the United States' provision of weapons to Ukraine, but the Japanese national polity seems to be very similar to Ukraine. President Biden's visit to Asian countries opposes China, and the creation of an economic framework for the Indo-Pacific region (IPEF) counters China's Belt and Road Initiative, but it has no military implications. The Indo-Pacific Security Japan-US-Australia-India Strategic Dialogue (QUAD) is still in the planning stage, so it is unknown in the future. I don't know what will happen if the Biden administration ends. India, which is intimate with Mr Putin, cannot be separated from Russia in terms of energy, arms supply, and economy. It is unavoidable that the Indian side has a form of participation in QUAD. It is a trade-off with the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which the United States is resigning, but since IPEF has no plans to eliminate tariffs, it is unclear whether this will also be built in the future. The Biden administration is expected to be promising for this term only, and it is rumored that Mr. Trump will run again in the 2024 US presidential election, and it is predicted that the Republican Party's House of Representatives will return to the majority in the midterm elections this fall, so Ukraine In the direction and the Indo-Pacific region, unstable factors may be intertwined and geopolitical unexpected things may occur. Mr. Biden came to Japan for the first time as president, and although the United States had an annual reform request to Japan in the past, it still reshapes its position as a puppet state of the United States. It is a pity that it is supposed to be.

 For example, the postal privatization plan, which the Koizumi administration has committed to the Bush administration at the request of the United States, has no choice but to forcibly dissolve the postal service even if it is rejected by the Diet. There was a reason. By the way, the US Postal Service is still state-owned. The distortion of postal privatization may be affecting Japan's national polity. Personally, I've been involved in Japan Post's sales floor for the past 10 years, so let me give you a general opinion. In 2010, Japan Post welcomed Pelican flights, which was the deficit division of Nippon Express. That said, it's actually quicker to say that the Nippon Express side has let go of the Pelican flight. Since both Nippon Express and Japan Post were national policy companies before the war, it would have been easy for the government to put together. At that time, I also boarded Japan Post in the form of sales support. It was a department called the collection and delivery sales department of a certain post office. Japan Post is a holdings that bundles Japan Post, Yucho Bank, and Kanpo Life, but it has a double structure of the former specified post office and ordinary post office, and the ratio of employees and non-regular employees (especially Japan Post) is The human resources composition of half and half is also a big social problem. The reason why middle management crimes occur more frequently than in the field may be due to stray management in the privatization of postal services. The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications is responsible for creating an environment in which bosses commit fraud even if on-site collection and delivery employees carry out regular sales. It is unavoidable that the people in the field lose their motivation. Since 2010, New Year's postcards and midyear gifts and year-end gifts have not disappeared. Even if it is said that it has nothing to do with the evaluation of employees in the tatemae, in the end it is possible to obtain the sales results at the site, so we must choose the way of self-destruction sales. Certainly, if you are a general company, the daily quota will be normal, but in the case of Japan Post, the number of non-regular employees is about half, so even if you are told to achieve results, it is impossible. Even so, if the company does not have a track record of sales, it will not be possible to change the stomach on the back, so it will be impossible for middle managers and above. Even in 2022, that small bureaucratic constitution will not change. The crimes of the former specified post office director are frequent. Postage stamps are treated as cash in Japan Post, so they can be easily exchanged for cash. There are also many cases of bribes from vendors by illegally reducing the number of large packages. Stamps that have paid hundreds of millions of yen are used up by rollers, but if you abuse them at the managerial level, you can get public money. Why is such an incident endless? It is possible that the darkness of postal privatization will be revealed and the entire Japanese society will not be able to stand. Like the United States, Japan should return to state-owned enterprises as a postal corporation. To continue universal service throughout Japan.

THE NEW HISTORY EYES...Vol.0065(最終版)



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Vol.0065… "US Lend-Lease bill that opened the Pandora's box of World War III"


 How many people have predicted that 2022 will suddenly reach the end of the world? The momentum of COVID-19 infection, which has continued since 2019, has not slowed down yet. Even though Russia's special military operation to invade Ukraine, which began in February, has come to the anniversary of Russia's victory over Germany, the offensive and defensive movements have continued, and it has taken on the appearance of a long-term battle. Putin's profession of "Victory Declaration," "War Declaration," and "Nuclear Use Declaration" was expected, but the Western media is skeptical that it is no different from the conventional declaration since February. It looks like it was eaten. Putin due to concerns about the amplification of NATO's arms supply centered on the United States, the introduction of nuclear weapons in Ukraine, the fact that NATO does not listen to Russia's security, and the promised rebellion of NATO's eastern expansion after the collapse of the Soviet Union. He showed a cause for the invasion of Ukraine. The Japanese mass media and the US and British media do not argue about it. Not only that, it cannot be overlooked that NATO is openly advancing eastern expansion and Russia's weakening. The Japanese media is in the form of following the United States and cannot be swallowed. Why can't we take the position of Japan as a truly independent country? Western propaganda, with Putin as the bad guy and Zelensky as the good guy, worked, and Ukraine became the composition of the US / NATO army VS Russia. There are reports that the Ukrainian gate problem of Joe Byden's parents and children, the slaughter of the Ukrainian Azov battalion (neonazi corps) against the pro-Russian faction, the slaughter of Bucha was due to the attack of the Ukrainian army, and the citizens at the Mariupoli steel mill. The existence of the Azov Battalion, which was forced as a human shield, and the presence of a Canadian general (a coach who used chemical weapons for the Ukrainian army) arrested as a prisoner, seems to be blocking the clues to the resolution of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The outbreak of World War I is attributed to the assassination of the Austrian crown prince, but no one knows when the conflict will trigger. Even if there is a party to carry out the attack in the conflict, there must be some cause for the attacked person. It goes without saying that a fair referee, commonly referred to as "fighting and defeat," is indispensable. In 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt signed the Lend-Lease bill, contributing to the Allied victory in World War II. 81 years later, on May 9, 2022, President Joe Biden signed the Ukrainian Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Bill. The state of the world after that may be a scene that makes you want to cover your eyes. Russian missiles fly down from the skies of the United States and spread all over the world. It's the end of the world. I want a savior to appear, but now I just hope for it. There is only one concern about Russia's invasion of Ukraine. That is because I feel the intention of the United States and Britain to take the lead in forming world public opinion with the information strategy that Russia is evil and Ukraine is justice. In my opinion, it is the right way to focus on the cause of war, propose wisdom solutions while looking deeply, and share the definition of peace. It is a pity that the parties to the conflict are avoiding trying to find a solution that both parties can agree on by sticking to the immediate outcome of the war. Ukraine could also be the victim of a proxy war between the United States and NATO and Russia. Leaders of the parties to the conflict have forgotten that it is the innocent ordinary people who suffer the tragedy. It goes without saying that mutual reconciliation is the basis for solving things, but it is a human annoyance that the defense instinct and struggle instinct that come from emotional paranoia take offensive destructive behavior with the dynamics of a third party. It can't be helped here. I will clarify the origins and issues of the Ukrainian conflict and list them in a bulleted list.

(1) After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Warsaw Pact army was dismantled, but why did you aim for eastern expansion without dismantling NATO, which was on the opposite axis?

(2) The Obama administration lasted for two terms and eight years, but what did President Obama and Vice President Biden's mysterious investment in Ukraine mean? Is the application of the Lend-Lease law to Ukraine correct?

(3) Why did the Ukrainian Azov Battalion not try to stop the attack on the eastern pro-Russian territory?

(4) Is it responsible for the United States and Britain to instigate action in the information warfare that harbored the Russian side? Lawrence of Arabia was a British soldier, but there are also historical blemishes used in the US propaganda to cut down the Middle East.

(5) Finland and Sweden will accelerate the application for NATO, but Hungary is expected to turn in the opposite direction, so unanimous consent cannot be expected in reality. In addition, Turkey's President Eldrian is reluctant to join NATO in the two Scandinavian countries, and there are many barriers to the rush to join NATO in Finland and Sweden.

(6) After the collapse of the Soviet Union, WPO (Warsaw Pact) was dismantled, but NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) was not. Russia has established the CSTO (Collective Security Treaty Organization) as a counter-axis. NATO member countries doubled after the Cold War and promoted eastern expansion, and Russia was strongly concerned, but if two Scandinavian countries join NATO, the military equilibrium of Europe as a whole must collapse. Since the Biden administration has announced the collapse of Russia, there is no longer any ground for reconciliation, so it is highly possible that the Russian side will take in China and India in the future and enter into a full-scale war. The world of the 21st century has reached the crisis of World War III, where there are concerns about the use of nuclear weapons as early as a quarter of a century ago. We do not want to witness the self-destructing earth civilization, but humankind has no choice but to pray for the way to peace. Is there any way to sit down and wait for death?




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  • 早い時期でのロシアによるウクライナ政権の交代とゼレンスキー氏の亡命。
  • ウクライナの中立化とアゾフ大隊の解体、非武装化
  • 長期戦になる予測は立てにくい。米国のバイデン政権は今年の中間選挙での敗色が濃厚でウクライナへの武器供与が難しくなる。トランプ氏の共和党での存在感が2024年再選につながる可能性は強い。ウクライナは他国からの武器支援には大きな壁がある。NOTOの解体を実行しロシアとの約束を果たすべき。(ソ連解体後ワルシャワ機構を解散したことによるNATOの東方拡大をしないというブッシュ大統領との合意がある)
  • プーチン失脚論は西側の勝手な願望解釈だが、米英の今後の政権次第でロシアとの外交的均衡をはかる動きもあるので期待したい。
  • ドイツ・フランスなどはロシアからのエネルギー供給依存体質からは抜け出せないことから、ロシアとの関わり合いを絶つことが出来ない。外交的つながりは持たなければならない。
  • 米国や英国からの事前情報の提供による思わぬ事態に注意を払うべき。戦争の事の起こりは情報戦での解釈と煽りへの焦りから来る場合が多いので、冷静な判断が求められる。
  • 米国の秘密裏でのウクライナ軍事支援は、ロシアから見ればNATOからのものだと判断される。ロシアの対ウクライナから欧州全域に及ぶ危険性があるので、辞めるべきだ。
  • 中央アジアでのドル決済優先の既得権を明け渡し、柔軟性をつけて各国の独自決済を認めさせる。
  • ロシアを追い詰めすぎると予想外の核戦争が起こり地球文明は終わりを迎えるので、落としどころを肝に銘じるべきだ。
  • ウクライナとロシアは結局手を結ぶべきだろう。軍事力だけではとても解決できるものではない。相互の信頼と努力が必要とされる叡智を試すべきだ。





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Vol.0064… "Proposals for 10 solutions to the 2022 Ukraine-Russia conflict"


The situation in Ukraine is still chaotic before May 9, which is the commemoration of Russia's victory over Germany in 2022. The Ukrainian Maidan Revolution, which is rumored to involve Joe Biden, was also referred to as a kind of anti-Russian coup after the Ukrainian President of the New Russian faction went into exile in Russia. A comedian, Zelensky is good at self-promotion, but he is also an inexperienced person in politics. Therefore, it is unavoidable that the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion lacks leadership that cannot be dealt with. He is happy to have taken the presidency to resolve the conflict in eastern Ukraine, but he has no hands or feet on the Azov Battalion, which is at the heart of the Ukrainian army. On the contrary, it is a pity that Mr. Zelensky has become a mummy, starting with a search for more aggressive aspects than diplomatic resolution. It is a fact that no one can get out of the defense instinct and the struggle instinct that animals and humans have. Can the lessons and the work of wisdom in human history be the rough stones for peace? -Under writing (Vol.0064 is ahead of Vol.0063 due to circumstances. Please forgive me)

In my opinion, I would like to show you ten possible solutions to the Ukrainian conflict.

1) Early change of Ukrainian government by Russia and asylum of Mr. Zelensky.

2) Neutralization of Ukraine and dismantling and demilitarization of Azov Battalion.

3) It is difficult to predict that it will be a long-term battle. The Biden administration in the United States is heavily defeated in this year's midterm elections, making it difficult to provide weapons to Ukraine. Mr. Trump's Republican presence is likely to lead to re-election in 2024. Ukraine has a big barrier to weapons support from other countries. We should carry out the dismantling of NOTO and fulfill our promise with Russia. (There is an agreement with President Bush not to expand NATO to the east due to the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact after the dissolution of the Soviet Union)

4) Putin's defeat theory is a selfish interpretation of the desires of the West, but I would like to expect it because there is a movement to seek diplomatic balance with Russia depending on the future administration of the United States and Britain.

5) Germany, France, etc. cannot get out of the energy supply dependence from Russia, so they cannot break their relationship with Russia. You must have a diplomatic connection.

6) Attention should be paid to unexpected situations caused by the provision of prior information from the United States and the United Kingdom. Since the occurrence of war often comes from the interpretation in information warfare and the impatience to incite, calm judgment is required.

7) The secret Ukrainian military aid of the United States is judged to be from NATO from the perspective of Russia. There is a danger of Russia from Ukraine to all over Europe, so we should quit.

8) Give up the vested interests in Central Asia that prioritize dollar settlement, and allow each country to make its own settlement with flexibility.

9) If Russia is cornered too much, an unexpected nuclear war will occur and the earth's civilization will come to an end.

10) Ukraine and Russia should eventually join hands. Military power alone cannot solve the problem. We should test wisdom that requires mutual trust and effort.