




Presented by hirotsugu nishina





 2024年の大統領選挙ではドナルド・トランプ氏では絶対惨敗する。修正第25条ではマイク・ペンス副大統領の出方が注目されている。彼はトランプ氏の罷免に否定的という報道がされてはいるが、ひょっとしたらというサプライズは排除できない。なぜなら、ジョー・バイデン次期大統領の承認決議では襲撃事件にも動ぜず毅然と対処し、ドナルド・トランプ氏との距離を取りつつある。マイク・ペンス氏の共和党上院議員の米国の良心に国民の目がむけられているからだ。2024年でのトランプ惨敗の予測が明確になれば、共和党上院議員の心変わりへの影響は大きくなる。弾劾決議では3分の2以上になる可能性はある。そうでなくても、マイク・ペンス氏の株は上がっているから2024年での大統領選出馬を視野にいれた行動もあり得る。支持者の議事堂襲撃事件を煽ったドナルド・トランプ氏の罪は重い。それを回避させることもせずホワイトハウス内で見て見ぬふりをする行為に出た。ドナルド・トランプ氏がビジネスでの交渉力が政治の世界でも役立つと、当初は期待した有権者は多かったと思う。だが、結局は選挙に敗北しても負けを認めようとしない。彼は「make my job world great again」という自己保身だけの人間性を露呈してしまった。当然、世論は二度と彼を表舞台にはださないという深層心理が働いてくるのは当然だ。国民や世界の人々の夢と希望を与える立場にいる人間が、恐怖と不安をあおり立てるのは、まさしく自滅への刃で世界を崩壊へと導くことになるのをドナルド・トランプ氏は気づいているのだろうか。




“Blade of the self-destruction” and the American future of Mr. Donald Trump and the Republican Party senator.



 I suffer a crushing defeat by all means by Mr. Donald Trump in the presidential election in 2024. A move of Mr. Mike Pence vice-president is watched by a correction 25th article. Negative report is done by a dismissal of Mr. Donald Trump for him, possibly, if, the surprise I say can't be excluded. Because I'm not also upset by an assault case by an approval resolution of a Joe Biden next president, and I'm handling and am getting the distance with Mr. Donald Trump resolutely. It's because a national eye is turned to American conscience of the Republican Party senator at Mr. Mike Pence. When a prediction of suffering a crushing defeat of Mr. Donald Trump in 2024 becomes clear, influence to change of mind of the Republican Party senator becomes big. There is a possibility which becomes more than 2/3 by an impeachment resolution. Even if it isn't so, because reputation at Mr. Mike Pence is rising, the behavior which put presidential election running in 2024 in the view is also possible. The crime of Mr. Donald Trump who incited supporter's assembly hall assault case is heavy. I have not also done to make them evade that, have seen in the White House and have gone out to the pretended act which isn't seen. Mr. Donald Trump thinks there were a lot of voters who expected that bargaining ability on business was useful for the political world at first. But even if it's defeated in election after all, I don't try to admit loss. The humanity only of own self-protection as "make my job world great again" has been exposed. Of course, it's natural for the deep psyche out of which he'll be never taken in the center stage to be operating on an opinion.That the man necessary for the position who gives hope with the people and people's dream of the world will be indeed it's a blade to self-destruction and to lead the world to a collapse to goad fear and anxiety on, does Mr. Donald Trump notice?