





Presented by hirotsugu nishina






  • 早い時期でのロシアによるウクライナ政権の交代とゼレンスキー氏の亡命。
  • ウクライナの中立化とアゾフ大隊の解体、非武装化
  • 長期戦になる予測は立てにくい。米国のバイデン政権は今年の中間選挙での敗色が濃厚でウクライナへの武器供与が難しくなる。トランプ氏の共和党での存在感が2024年再選につながる可能性は強い。ウクライナは他国からの武器支援には大きな壁がある。NOTOの解体を実行しロシアとの約束を果たすべき。(ソ連解体後ワルシャワ機構を解散したことによるNATOの東方拡大をしないというブッシュ大統領との合意がある)
  • プーチン失脚論は西側の勝手な願望解釈だが、米英の今後の政権次第でロシアとの外交的均衡をはかる動きもあるので期待したい。
  • ドイツ・フランスなどはロシアからのエネルギー供給依存体質からは抜け出せないことから、ロシアとの関わり合いを絶つことが出来ない。外交的つながりは持たなければならない。
  • 米国や英国からの事前情報の提供による思わぬ事態に注意を払うべき。戦争の事の起こりは情報戦での解釈と煽りへの焦りから来る場合が多いので、冷静な判断が求められる。
  • 米国の秘密裏でのウクライナ軍事支援は、ロシアから見ればNATOからのものだと判断される。ロシアの対ウクライナから欧州全域に及ぶ危険性があるので、辞めるべきだ。
  • 中央アジアでのドル決済優先の既得権を明け渡し、柔軟性をつけて各国の独自決済を認めさせる。
  • ロシアを追い詰めすぎると予想外の核戦争が起こり地球文明は終わりを迎えるので、落としどころを肝に銘じるべきだ。
  • ウクライナとロシアは結局手を結ぶべきだろう。軍事力だけではとても解決できるものではない。相互の信頼と努力が必要とされる叡智を試すべきだ。





Presented by hirotsugu nishina


Vol.0064… "Proposals for 10 solutions to the 2022 Ukraine-Russia conflict"


The situation in Ukraine is still chaotic before May 9, which is the commemoration of Russia's victory over Germany in 2022. The Ukrainian Maidan Revolution, which is rumored to involve Joe Biden, was also referred to as a kind of anti-Russian coup after the Ukrainian President of the New Russian faction went into exile in Russia. A comedian, Zelensky is good at self-promotion, but he is also an inexperienced person in politics. Therefore, it is unavoidable that the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion lacks leadership that cannot be dealt with. He is happy to have taken the presidency to resolve the conflict in eastern Ukraine, but he has no hands or feet on the Azov Battalion, which is at the heart of the Ukrainian army. On the contrary, it is a pity that Mr. Zelensky has become a mummy, starting with a search for more aggressive aspects than diplomatic resolution. It is a fact that no one can get out of the defense instinct and the struggle instinct that animals and humans have. Can the lessons and the work of wisdom in human history be the rough stones for peace? -Under writing (Vol.0064 is ahead of Vol.0063 due to circumstances. Please forgive me)

In my opinion, I would like to show you ten possible solutions to the Ukrainian conflict.

1) Early change of Ukrainian government by Russia and asylum of Mr. Zelensky.

2) Neutralization of Ukraine and dismantling and demilitarization of Azov Battalion.

3) It is difficult to predict that it will be a long-term battle. The Biden administration in the United States is heavily defeated in this year's midterm elections, making it difficult to provide weapons to Ukraine. Mr. Trump's Republican presence is likely to lead to re-election in 2024. Ukraine has a big barrier to weapons support from other countries. We should carry out the dismantling of NOTO and fulfill our promise with Russia. (There is an agreement with President Bush not to expand NATO to the east due to the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact after the dissolution of the Soviet Union)

4) Putin's defeat theory is a selfish interpretation of the desires of the West, but I would like to expect it because there is a movement to seek diplomatic balance with Russia depending on the future administration of the United States and Britain.

5) Germany, France, etc. cannot get out of the energy supply dependence from Russia, so they cannot break their relationship with Russia. You must have a diplomatic connection.

6) Attention should be paid to unexpected situations caused by the provision of prior information from the United States and the United Kingdom. Since the occurrence of war often comes from the interpretation in information warfare and the impatience to incite, calm judgment is required.

7) The secret Ukrainian military aid of the United States is judged to be from NATO from the perspective of Russia. There is a danger of Russia from Ukraine to all over Europe, so we should quit.

8) Give up the vested interests in Central Asia that prioritize dollar settlement, and allow each country to make its own settlement with flexibility.

9) If Russia is cornered too much, an unexpected nuclear war will occur and the earth's civilization will come to an end.

10) Ukraine and Russia should eventually join hands. Military power alone cannot solve the problem. We should test wisdom that requires mutual trust and effort.