





Presented by hirotsugu nishina









Presented by hirotsugu nishina


Vol.0057… "The End of Sectionalism of East-West Civilization Exposed in the Ukrainian Conflict"


The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics were held during a pandemic of the Omicron strain of the new coronavirus. Xi Jinping, who was struck by the application of irregular rules at the tournament and human rights violations, still seemed to be satisfied with the number of medals won, and instead of being frightened by various international criticisms, he was in the position of a permanent emperor. I'm trying to aim. However, that is only a small amount of speculation in decades. For the past 4000 years, countless dynasties have been replaced in mainland China, marking the culture and history. Countries that value history books are working hard to see if any dynasty can make a name for itself in history no matter which dynasty is destroyed. Is Japan still suitable for being a "Wakoku" (a derogatory expression) from their point of view? Unfortunately, it is true that such an assumption cannot be ruled out by following the footsteps of the Abe administration from the last 10 years. The reaction to the arbitrary transformation of law and bureaucracy by those in power and neglecting sacred official documents must be criticized in future history books. Even if the place that is inconvenient due to the entrainment pressure and sontaku is deceived by the blinding strategy, in the historical fact, it lacks the ability to have a firm recognition, so it is self-euphoric that it was able to escape to the action taken by oneself. I'm just doing it. It can be said that the sixth emperor of the Ming dynasty was a prisoner of war in Oirats. Japan is about to change from a beautiful country to an ugly country. It must be avoided at all costs.

Immediately after the end of the Beijing Winter Olympics, Russian invasion of Ukraine stands out in daily reports. There is no end to criticism of President Putin among NATO member countries. The predecessor of the Republic of Ukraine was a part of the former Soviet Union. Although independent after the collapse of the Soviet Union, it existed as a puppet state in the palm of the Russian Republic. Russia wants to prevent the Ukrainian Republic from joining NATO and keep it in its own hands. NATO should have recognized that the Republic of Ukraine is a Russian territory because the Crimean Peninsula was also an important point of the Soviet Union, but Western countries planned to make Ukraine Western-oriented and created conflict with Russia. That was the cause of the development of this conflict. It is undeniable that the awareness that freedom and democracy are superior to communism has stimulated Mr Putin. It is unavoidable that the idealism between nations has a different relationship. The world order of the defeat of World War II has basically not changed, and we have become witnesses of an era in which the evolution of human civilization has remained stagnant. In the future, Ukraine will be forced to become a national polity that emphasizes neutrality, let alone join NATO. Ukrainian leaders may be required to make a decision as an unarmed neutrality. Otherwise, the Russian side will not be convinced, and advanced diplomatic negotiations are indispensable to avoid the increasing number of civilian casualties. It's not a good analogy, but it's also necessary to leave it to the discretion of the top to try to make the mafia's weak minions stubborn. Just as Japan exists in lukewarm water under the Japan-US Security Treaty. In order for Ukraine to survive in the future, it depends on its readiness to maintain unarmed neutrality. Western countries have no choice but to add a finger to Russia's actions and watch over them. It is natural that Ukraine and Western countries do not have military agreements, but there is no choice but to reach out to Russia at the level of recommendations and advice. Japan and the western mass media are fueling reports that Ukraine's freedom and dignity will be deprived, but I think we should keep an eye on the situation here. President Biden will destroy the earth's civilization in World War III when Ukraine takes military action as if it were a member of NATO. We global citizens need to be prepared for it.



Представлено Хироцугу Нишиной
Vol.0057… "Конец секционарности восточно-западной цивилизации, разоблаченной в украинском конфликте"

Зимние Олимпийские игры 2022 года в Пекине прошли во время пандемии штамма Omicron нового коронавируса. Си Цзиньпин, которого поразило применение неправильных правил на турнире и нарушения прав человека, по-прежнему, казалось, был доволен количеством завоеванных медалей, и вместо того, чтобы пугаться различных международных критических замечаний, он находился в положении бессменного император. Я пытаюсь прицелиться. Однако это лишь небольшое количество спекуляций за последние десятилетия. За последние 4000 лет в материковом Китае сменилось бесчисленное количество династий, оставивших след в культуре и истории. Страны, которые ценят книги по истории, усердно работают над тем, чтобы увидеть, сможет ли какая-либо династия сделать себе имя в истории, независимо от того, какая династия будет уничтожена. Подходит ли Япония для того, чтобы быть «вакоку» (уничижительное выражение) с их точки зрения? К сожалению, это правда, что такое предположение нельзя исключить, следуя по стопам администрации Абэ за последние 10 лет. Реакция на произвольную трансформацию закона и бюрократии со стороны власть имущих и пренебрежение священными официальными документами должна быть подвергнута критике в будущих книгах по истории. Даже если место, неудобное из-за давления увлечения и сонтаку, обмануто ослепляющей стратегией, в историческом факте ему не хватает способности иметь твердое признание, поэтому само-эйфорично, что оно смогло убежать в действие, предпринятое самостоятельно. Я просто делаю это. Можно сказать, что шестой император династии Мин был военнопленным у ойратов. Япония вот-вот превратится из прекрасной страны в уродливую страну. Этого следует избегать любой ценой.
Сразу после окончания зимних Олимпийских игр в Пекине вторжение России в Украину выделяется в ежедневных сводках. Нет конца критике президента Путина среди стран-членов НАТО. Предшественница Республики Украина была частью бывшего Советского Союза. Несмотря на независимость после распада Советского Союза, она существовала как марионеточное государство на ладони Российской Республики. Россия хочет предотвратить вступление Украинской Республики в НАТО и держать его в своих руках. НАТО должно было признать Республику Украина российской территорией, потому что Крымский полуостров также был важной точкой Советского Союза, но западные страны планировали сделать Украину западноориентированной и создали конфликт с Россией. Это и стало причиной развития этого конфликта. Нельзя отрицать, что осознание того, что свобода и демократия выше коммунизма, стимулировало г-на Путина. Неизбежно, что идеализм между нациями имеет различное отношение. Миропорядок поражения во Второй мировой войне принципиально не изменился, и мы стали свидетелями эпохи, в которой эволюция человеческой цивилизации оставалась застойной. В будущем Украина будет вынуждена стать национальным государством, подчеркивающим нейтралитет, не говоря уже о вступлении в НАТО. Украинское руководство может быть обязано принять решение о невооруженном нейтралитете. В противном случае российская сторона не будет убеждена, и необходимы предварительные дипломатические переговоры, чтобы избежать увеличения числа жертв среди гражданского населения. Нехорошая аналогия, но также необходимо оставить на усмотрение верхушки попытаться сделать слабых приспешников мафии упрямыми. Точно так же, как Япония находится в тепловатой воде в соответствии с японо-американским договором о безопасности. Выживание Украины в будущем зависит от ее готовности сохранять невооруженный нейтралитет. У западных стран нет другого выбора, кроме как добавить палец к действиям России и следить за ними. Естественно, что Украина и страны Запада не имеют военных соглашений, но ничего не остается, как обращаться к России на уровне рекомендаций и советов. Япония и западные СМИ подпитывают сообщения о том, что Украина будет лишена свободы и достоинства, но я думаю, что мы должны следить за ситуацией здесь. Президент Байден уничтожит земную цивилизацию в Третьей мировой войне, когда Украина предпримет военные действия, как если бы она была членом НАТО. Мы, граждане мира, должны быть к этому готовы. 
Predstavleno Khirotsugu Nishinoy



Vol.0056 "Evolution of Coronavirus and Civilization"


It seems that the coexistence of human evolution and the evolution of viruses is inevitable. No matter how much the vaccine or silver bullet for COVID-19 is devised, it is in a chicken race state. The repeated rise and fall of pandemics and humankind can be recognized many times, but the defense and efficacy against complete infection is unknown. The view of the Age of Discovery in the Middle Ages of Europe seems to be different from that of the Asian region. During the Age of Discovery in China, voyages and trade to Middle East and Africa were flourishing, so the expression of the Age of Discovery of humankind must be regarded as a somewhat biased view of Europe from the historical point of view of the world. I don't get it. For a long time, the murders, struggles and turf wars between humans have been a great opportunity for viruses to evolve. I want to think of human beings and viruses as creatures with the same thoughts. Otherwise, the vaccine would have already solved the pandemic.

In the 21st century, on September 11th, the terrorist attacks on the world occurred. In the United States, where security is tight, terrorist attacks on four locations at the same time are incomprehensible, and it is unreasonable that terrorists in Middle Eastern countries were planning. There is a theory that the collapse of the old WTS tower was not caused by damage caused by an aircraft collision, but by a blast from below, but I personally think so. At that time, it was said that the aircraft crashed into WTS in a certain magazine media, but there is no evidence of it in the wreckage. It must not have been a very identifiable case. It is said that an aircraft crashed into the Pentagon building, but its evidence is also questioned. Yet, I remember that at that time President Bush called it the work of Islamic countries and said in his speech that it was a battle of the Crusades. Former CIA personnel Osama bin Laden lurked in Afghanistan and was suspected of terrorism, and Bush slammed Afghanistan thoroughly. After that, he raised the propaganda of a false weapon of mass destruction against Mr. Hussein of Iraq, who had been refusing to settle dollars, and destroyed the whole of Iraq. I don't know what the crime was, but I was executed. It also contributed to the derivation of the ISIL Islamic State. Obama said he had killed Bin Ladin, former President Trump had killed Iran's commander, and this time President Biden had killed IS leaders. It will be a historic event that will increase conflict with society. There were reports of the murder of Osama bin Laden during the first term of the Obama administration, but he was hidden in a prominent white building on the outskirts of Pakistan. All the buildings that attacked were removed and the corpses were allegedly burial at sea, but no photographs of the evidence were reported. There is information that the real Bin Laden died in 2001, and there are rumors that he lives somewhere in the United States. I'm not sure if the remnants became IS. After all, the Islamic countries of the Middle East were regarded as state sponsors of terrorism, and for various reasons, they forged a cause to maintain the military-industrial complex and succeeded in forming a political and economic situation favorable to the United States. is. It is clear that after World War I Britain and France created the political unrest of today by splitting and mandateing the Middle East. In short, the Age of Discovery from the seventeenth century is not over, and it is like proving that civilization continues its voyage in the process of evolution. Rather than a great voyage, it merely marks the history of great regret and great lessons. Even if the world is looking at how to fight the coronavirus, it is obvious when you see how it is at a loss what to do. The harmful effects of the United Nations formed during World War II have also become prominent, and the military imbalance of vetoing permanent members and allowing possession of nuclear weapons has led to nuclear problems in Iran and North Korea. I think we should be aware of what we are doing. Mr. Trump's insults to the countries of immigrants in Africa and South America are causing ripples. To be clear, there is also a problem with the media's attitude that SNS transmissions are from the official White House. America First has become America Only, and the possibility of becoming stand-alone in the world is undeniable. The United States holds a huge amount of tax havens in the country. Britain has justified the enormous assets it had accumulated through the East India Company of the British Empire, which once ruled the Seven Seas, by avoiding taxation in the Cayman Islands and elsewhere. Britain's stance that it will leave the EU without permission and only its own country will escape the difficulties and the United States' priority on its own country can be seen as evidence that the Age of Discovery is not over yet. Since the dawn of history, the battle between humankind and the plague continues today. Human beings have endured every time a pandemic such as black death, tuberculosis, or coronavirus occurs, but this time, the spread of infection is unlikely to be settled so easily. Leaders in each country are trying to fumble for vaccine development and therapeutic agents to simplify clinical trials and provide emergency treatment, but the virus side has repeatedly evolved as it advances the development of human vaccines and therapeutic agents. It looks like you are doing it. If it is impossible to eradicate the virus, there is no choice but to coexist and co-prosper. Since the virus existed long before the birth of humankind, the stance of how to create immunity will be essential in the future. It is also necessary to recognize that human beings live too much on the earth. Recognize that 40,000 years ago, when the Neanderthals were about to evolve into new humans, there was a fierce battle with the virus, which was handed down in the DNA of modern humans. Zero corona is also effective temporarily, but the stance of with corona must be the basic attitude for human beings to continue to live on this planet.








Presented by hirotsugu nishina




 ドナルド・トランプ元米国大統領の裏には親中派キッシンジャー氏が後見人のような立ち位置にいるのは誰もが知っている。米国と中華人民共和国が果てのない目先の損得勘定にこだわっているのには、いわゆる両国が世界の覇権を分け合っていくための目くらましに過ぎないとも思える。そこから見えてくるものは、私論だがはっきり言って日本外しだ。表向き日本と米国とは蜜月状態にあるが疑った方がいいだろう。日本の元総理である安倍氏の祖父は戦前大政翼賛会満州国朝鮮半島を取り仕切る中枢の人物だった。電通の前身である満州国通信社(国通)のトップとの深いつながりもあった。その孫が総理を担当しているものだから、周辺各国は身構えていたのだ。それは歴史的事実なのだから仕方がない。国立感染症研究所の前進は旧関東軍の防疫給水部(第731部隊、石井部隊)の本丸だったことは今の若い人たちはあまり知られていない。いまでも中国大陸の各地には未処理の化学兵器の爪痕が残されている。習近平氏や韓国大統領や金正恩氏の日本への敵対的姿勢の原点はそこにある。拉致問題の提起は真逆の方向にいくだろうというのは当然だろう。ニクソン政権が中国の経済が良くなれば民主化に拍車がかかるだろうという思惑は見事に外れた。いま思えば中国5000年の王朝の歴史の認識を持たない浅はかな考えだった。中華人民共和国が建立されたと同時に、それまで国連に加盟していた中華民国(台湾)を仲間外れにし、国連に加えさせ米国の思惑で常任理事国に昇格させた罪は大きい。周恩来氏とヘンリー・キッシンジャー氏の太平洋は米国と中国で二分する構想はいまだ立ち消えてはいない。関税やハーウェイ論争は貿易赤字解消にはなんの効き目もないように思える。米国は米国債金融資本システムを確立し、いくら自国が赤字でも経済は焼け太りするという状況は変わらない。米国は世界のリーダー役を降りたので、中華人民共和国が台頭するのは自然の理だ。しかし、一党独裁共産党の旗を振りかざし、人民解放軍が人民弾圧軍となり、人権を無視した政の限界は避けられない。一帯一路の発想は大唐帝国が参考となっているようだが、第二の孫文のような指導者が現れて、民主化が加速する可能性はなくはない。イージス・アショアの設置エリア選定において、秋田でのデータが間違っていたというが、Google earthを使ってやること自体が問題だった。防衛省が現実的な計測をなぜしなかったのか。まさに純国産基本ソフトを持たない日本の脆弱さを露呈させているようなものだ。米国追従一途の日本はこのままだと世界から埋没してしまう危険がある。安倍氏でなければ首相は務まらないという見方は間違いだった。党を超えての新たな日本のリーダー出現に期待したいものだが、皇室の国体の保全と引き換えに、半永久的な米軍駐留の意向を唱えたのは他ならぬ昭和天皇であることは充分推測できる。 そのことが戦後以来まともな日本のリーダーが輩出しない風土の起因ともなった。ドナルド・トランプ元大統領は根っからのビジネスマンだった。大恐慌前のフーバー大統領に酷似しているが両者の政治的資質は全く異なる。在任4年間はドナルド・トランプ大統領が米国と世界の分断に大きく寄与したというのは歴史的なブラックジョークになるが、もし彼が2024年に再選を果たしたのなら、世界はさらに苦境に陥るかもしれない。それは覚悟をしておくべきだろう。バイデン大統領になっても米国は全く分断の様相から脱することが出来ないからだ。新型コロナの感染拡大とオミクロン株の変異に歯止めがかからない。ワクチン開発競争が激しいけれども、日に日に変身をとげるウイルスへの特効薬はあるのかどうかは未知数だ。2020東京五輪2021年に予定通り強行したという考えは理解できるけれども、世界的にはどう見ても無理な気がしていた。COVIC-19は終息には10年はかかるだろうと専門家も言っているわけだから、IOCも当然それに呼応して開催の是非を判断する可能性があってもよかった。「DentsuDentsuによるDentsuのための2020東京オリンピック」は当時すでに事実上終わっていたのである。リーダーのいない21世紀の四半世紀。未来の歴史書にはそう記されているはずだ。マルサス人口論的な視点では、人類が地球上で生息できる許容範囲は約80億人とされている。地球上で過去の遺産を食い潰している21世紀文明の終焉はいつ到来してもおかしくない。この惑星には牽引するリーダーが存在しない。小山の大将レベルの面々が各地で首を洗って待っている光景は人間の運命を表しているのかも知れない。



Presented by hirotsugu nishina


Vol.0001 ... "21st Century without Leaders"


Everyone knows that pro-Chinese Mr. Kissinger is in a position like a guardian behind former US President Donald Trump. It seems that the United States and the People's Republic of China are obsessed with endless short-term profit and loss accounts, which is just a blinding eye for the two countries to share world hegemony. What you can see from there is my opinion, but to be clear, it is outside Japan. Obviously Japan and the United States are in a honeymoon state, but you should doubt. The grandfather of Mr. Abe, the former Prime Minister of Japan, was the central figure in charge of Manchuria and the Korean Peninsula at the prewar Imperial Rule Assistance Association. He also had a deep connection with the head of Manchuria News Agency (Kokutsu), the predecessor of Dentsu. His grandson was in charge of the prime minister, so the surrounding countries were prepared. It can't be helped because it is a historical fact. It is not well known to young people today that the advance of the National Institute of Infectious Diseases was the main enclosure of the Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Department (Unit 731, Unit Ishii) of the former Kwantung Army. There are still traces of untreated chemical weapons left in various parts of mainland China. That is the origin of Mr. Xi Jinping, the President of South Korea, and Mr. Kim Jong Un's hostile attitude toward Japan. It's no wonder that raising the abduction issue will go in the opposite direction. The speculation that the Nixon administration would spur democratization if China's economy improves is brilliantly dismissed. When I think about it now, it was a shallow idea without recognition of the history of the 5000-year dynasty in China. At the same time as the People's Republic of China was erected, it is a great crime to remove the Republic of China (Taiwan), which had been a member of the United Nations, from the United Nations and to add it to the United Nations and promote it to a permanent member of the Security Council at the behest of the United States. Zhou Enlai and Henry Kissinger's idea of ​​splitting the Pacific Ocean between the United States and China has not yet disappeared. Tariffs and the Huawei controversy seem to have no effect on eliminating the trade deficit. The United States has established a US Treasury financial and capital system, and no matter how deficit it is, the economy will continue to burn. With the United States stepping down as a world leader, it is natural for the People's Republic of China to emerge. However, with the flag of the one-party dictatorship and the Communist Party waving, the PLA became the People's Repression Army, and the limits of politics ignoring human rights are inevitable. The idea of ​​Belt and Road seems to be based on the Great Tang Empire, but there is a possibility that democratization will accelerate with the emergence of leaders such as the second Sun Yat-sen. It was said that the data in Akita was incorrect when selecting the installation area for Aegis Ashore, but using Google earth itself was a problem. Why did the Ministry of Defense not make realistic measurements? It's just like exposing the fragility of Japan, which doesn't have purely domestic basic software. Japan, which is following the United States, is in danger of being buried from the world as it is. The view that the prime minister would not work without Mr. Abe was wrong. I would like to expect the emergence of a new Japanese leader beyond the party, but it is fully speculated that it was none other than Emperor Showa who advocated the intention of a semi-permanent US military presence in exchange for the preservation of the national polity of the imperial family. can. That was also the cause of the climate in which no decent Japanese leader has been produced since the end of the war. Former President Donald Trump was a true businessman. He closely resembles President Hoover before the Great Depression, but their political qualities are quite different. It's a historic black joke that President Donald Trump contributed significantly to the division between the United States and the world during his four years in office, but if he was reelected in 2024, the world would be even more predicaed. You may fall into it. It should be prepared. Even if he becomes President Biden, the United States cannot escape from the aspect of division at all. The spread of the new corona infection and the mutation of the Omicron strain cannot be stopped. Although the competition for vaccine development is fierce, it is unknown whether there is a silver bullet for the virus that transforms day by day. I understand the idea that the 2020 Tokyo Olympics were forced as planned in 2021, but I felt that it was impossible in the world. Experts have said that the COVIC-19 will take 10 years to end, so the IOC could of course decide whether or not to hold it in response. The "2020 Tokyo Olympics for Dentsu by Dentsu of Dentsu" was virtually over at that time. A quarter century of the 21st century without a leader. That should be written in future history books. From Malthus's demographic point of view, the permissible range that human beings can live on the earth is about 8 billion. The end of the 21st century civilization, which is eating up the heritage of the past on the earth, can come at any time. There is no leader to pull on this planet. The sight of Oyama's general-level people washing their heads and waiting in various places may represent the fate of human beings.




Presented by hirotsugu nishina




2022年は一体どういう年になるのだろうか?大方の予想をすることは可能だが、かなり自虐的なものになるので、ここで示すのには抵抗感があるが、個人的にも予測はしてみたいので後述したい。オミクロン新型コロナ変異株の猛威が止まらない。新型コロナの世界の感染者数は300,000,000人に迫っている。2022年1月の半ば頃には到達するだろう。世界の人口は7,000,000,000人ほどだから、23人に1人は感染している計算になる。予防のワクチンは三回打っても四回、五回打っても、変異株が人類を嘲るように増えてく光景はこれからも続くと見ている。治験効果は製薬会社のアナウンスに頼らざるを得ない状況では、感染におののく人類は予防に効くとか効かないとかいう余裕は全くないので彼らに従うしかない。特に、日本ではワクチンや特効薬の開発には政府は投資してこなかったのが響き、自国ではなにもできない。他国任せの政策から抜け出す決意も方策もないのには甚だ残念に思う。専門家達のアナウンスでは致死率・重症化率はデルタ株より少ないらしいが、感染力は数倍以上あるそうだ。フランスでは46カ所の突然変異を持つ新たな変異株が出たそうだが、新型ウイルスには人類の思考を先回りして、より強い生命力をつけているようにしか見えない。オミクロン株より強力な変異株にならないか不安になる。中国での武漢ウイルス研究所に多額の投資をしていた米国にも私の心中では不信感が広がっている。はっきり言って米中合作の可能性も排除できないからだ。憶測だけでものを言うのは危険な事は分かってはいるが、推理と推測と合わせれば真実にたどり着く可能性はゼロではなくなる。だから、「THE NEW HISTORY EYES」では徹底的に歴史の証言を残すという意味で真実は絶対追及するべきだと思っている。日本では昭和天皇マッカーサーとの11回にも及ぶ会見で、GHQ策定(ホイットニー氏が絡んだ)の日本国憲法天皇家保全と国体を保証する見返りに、敗戦国の宿命として未来永劫日本国内に米軍の駐留を認めしまった経緯がある。ドイツではヒトラーの独裁的専制政治体制という国体を解体し、一時期東西に別れたが健全な民主国家を維持するまでになり、メルケル政権下でベルサイユ条約に基づく賠償金を92年かけて完済した。日本では天皇制という国体は形を変えたが、皇室の役割は日本国憲法のなかで生きている。日本が民主主義という体制を健全な形に出来なかった起因ともなっている。日本では伝統的な皇室制度は必要だと思うが、まずは主権在民での国体を最優先するべきだった。しかし、今さら、日米安全保障条約日米地位協定・日米原子力協定という三点セットからの影響が大きいからと言ってここで批判しても何も始まらない。太平洋戦争は戦う前から勝負は決していたのに、当時の日本の最高司令官(昭和天皇)は米国との開戦を決断してしまったそのツケは、戦後の耐えがたきを耐え、忍びがたきを忍んできた日本の国民の未来にも大きな禍根を残している。日本国内での米軍関係の基地を含む施設は130箇所(治外法権で日本の領土ではない)もある。オミクロン株の水際対策は、米軍関係からの派生が多いからといって日本側は防ぐ手立ては何もない。プレトンウッズ体制に基づく世界秩序は今後100年は揺らぎそうもない。日本にまともな議会制民主主義を期待するのは酷かもしれない。選挙権があるのに投票を行使しないことでも立派なルール違反だと思うし、議員報酬制度の抜本的見直しや選挙制度の見直しは、日本国憲法が未来永劫変えられない今、戦勝国から自治権だけが与えられているニッポンの最低限の務めだと思う。2022年の主な私観的予測を示してみたい。

  • 新型コロナウイルスの変異株の増殖が今後10年は収束しない。
  • 日本の一人あたりのGDPがイタリアにも抜かれG7国で最低順位となる。
  • 大谷翔平選手がスランプに陥り、昨年のような記録は期待できない。
  • 中国の民主化運動が世界各地で沸き起こり、習近平体制は見直しを迫られる。
  • JRAで今年の三冠馬は生まれない。
  • ニューヨーク株の暴落が始まる。
  • 大きな彗星が地球に迫る。
  • 世界的なピークオイル現象で化石エネルギー政策に限界が訪れる。
  • GAFAが解体される。
  • 新型ウイルスの耐性が強くなり、ワクチンの効用も難しくなる。



















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Presented by hirotsugu nishina








Presented by hirotsugu nishina


Vol.0053… "1941-2021, 80 Years of Trajectory and Lessons"


December 8th (Japan time) this year marks the 80th anniversary of the start of the war between Japan and the United States, but it is quite natural that the post-war standing positions of the victorious Allied powers and the defeated Axis powers have not changed at all. My personal concern is that there is no world leader to drive the current turbulent world order. It is calculated that the generation who experienced World War II will be about 100 years old (assuming 20 years old at that time) in 10 years, but since there is no war experience, the sovereign always remembers the lessons of history and always keeps reason. It is doubtful that he could be a good ruler. US President Joe Biden's approval rating has plummeted, and it's easy to find out why. It seems that President Biden will hold a tournament online under the title of "Democracy Summit," but many countries do not agree with it. Tyranny is also true of prewar Japan (although some argue), but it is not a liberal economic zone like China or Russia, as there is no way to prove that democracy is the best governing system. From the side, it may be natural to feel that they are treated exclusively. It can be said that Japan is a democracy given after the war, but it does not necessarily permeate every corner of the country. First, the logic that "I don't go to vote because not being interested has the same meaning as the opposite" is wrong with the excuse that even if I get the right to vote, I will not participate in the vote. In the United States, when voting for an election, it is necessary to register for voting, so if Japan follows that and adopts a registration system, the turnout should rise dramatically. Those who are not interested in the election have effectively abandoned their voting rights. That will solve the problem. If you feel sorry, go to vote. The result didn't go as expected, and even if I participated in a demonstration, it was a later festival. Personally, I can't start irresponsibly saying political things here, but I'm just saying that I should exercise it properly because I have the right to participate in politics from the country. While the two-party politics is traditional in the United States, there is no big difference between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party in the postwar military global strategy. At the time of the dollar shock in the Nixon administration, the People's Republic of China was made a permanent member of the United Nations and replaced with the Republic of China. He said that even in a communist country, if it develops economically, it will be easier to incorporate it into the democratic camp, but the negative legacy of Chairman Mao, the Cultural Destruction Revolution, has affected the situation, and the preferential treatment of developing countries has been applied. With a lot of economic cooperation, it has become the world's second largest economy, and the People's Republic of China is moving in the opposite direction of what the United States thinks. Even if Hong Kong had a concession from Britain, China, which guaranteed one country, two systems for 50 years, broke its promise in 27 years. Britain should have a great responsibility, but it's really absurd not to get involved. Basically, the Democratic Party is pro-Chinese and the Republican Party is a strategic reciprocal relationship, and various boycott acts against China, whether Mr. Trump or Mr. Biden, are expected, but under the surface It cannot be ruled out that they are holding hands deeply. Mr. Kissinger, who was Secretary of State under the Nixon administration, discussed the idea of ​​splitting the Pacific into two at a press conference with Mr. Zhou Enlai, and he was still wary of Japan even after the war. I think he still does, but while recognizing Japan's autonomy, I feel that true independence is far from personal. The number of US forces in Japan of 55,000 is the largest in the world. There are 35,000 US troops in Germany, 12300 in Italy, and 26,000 in South Korea. The United Nations still does not exclude the three prewar Axis powers from the Enemy State Clause. Nevertheless, Japanese politicians have even argued about attacking enemy bases and amending the constitution. In fact, when it comes to constitutional amendments, it will probably require the approval of the US Congress. I think it is practically difficult for Japan, a defeated country, to change a part of the foundation of the postwar national polity without permission. The three-point set of the Japan-US Status of Forces Agreement, the Japan-US Nuclear Power Agreement, and the Japan-US Security Treaty must be the basic position that holds the fate of Japan's national polity. After the war, GHQ had a meeting with Emperor Showa under Commander-in-Chief MacArthur, and the statement "I don't care if I can protect the Japanese people ..." was recorded in an official document on the US side. It has not been. It is not well known how many times the press conference between Emperor Showa and Mr. MacArthur was held. You may think that it is usually only once. It is said that there were 11 press conferences between MacArthur and Emperor Showa after the war. It will continue until the Korean War has settled down. The San Francisco Peace Treaty is only with the United States, but the position of Emperor Showa (war responsibility) was unstable until the long meeting between the two. Courtney Whitney was responsible for the US side of the Constitution of Japan. The official document of Emperor Showa's remarks he left behind has been declassified, but I think the emperor's advocates should not read it. I don't know if this is the case, but since it remains as an official document, those who are interested in it are related to the national polity of postwar Japan, so please translate it. (Translation of a third party is not mentioned here.) The other day, it was reported that Emperor Showa sent a syllabary to the Combined Fleet Command the day before the attack on Pearl Harbor. This has also been declassified, and you can see the heart of Emperor Showa and his readiness for war. And what surprised me was that even post-war processing was mentioned. It seems natural for the Allies to argue that if there is a desire to end the war, it should be responsible for it. The general perception of historical facts is part of education and we are instilled with prejudice, but there is an aspect that the question is not dared to be asked. I think that Japan's postwar national polity was built through close negotiations between Mr. MacArthur and Emperor Showa. Basically, the Constitution of Japan does not resist even if the opponent does it, engagement is prohibited, and self-defense is not allowed. (There is no word of self-defense) Thus, the emperor became a symbolic existence from the prewar monarchy, and the security of the imperial family was guaranteed. The simple question is that the emperor's involvement in the appointment of the prime minister and each minister can be seen as a political part rather than a symbol. It must be taken as the fate of a defeated nation to entrust air superiority to the US military and live only with the umbrella of the United States. As long as there is a three-point set, there is no possibility that the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons will be in favor. Will Japan not be able to achieve true independence for the next 100 years? .. ..