2020年11月の大相撲大会でOHZEKIのTAKAKEISHOが二年ぶりの優勝を飾った。大相撲には新たな英雄が出始めてきた。HEISEI AREAではモンゴル出身の力士の活躍が顕著だった。HAKUHOやKAKURYU、ASASHORYU、HARUMAFUJIなどの最上位クラスが日本の大相撲の看板になり、日本人力士は脇役に甘んじてきたが、このところ日本人の期待される力士が目立つ様になってきた。一度は幕内の上位にいながら怪我でMAKUSHITA以下までクラスを下げ、努力して再び這い上がって戻ってきた力士も数多くいる。勝負の厳しさで地獄を見てきたTERUNOFUJI、RYUDEN、CHIYONOKUNIには尊敬に値する。TAHIOの孫にあたるNAYAは11月の大会では6勝1敗なので次の大会では待ち焦がれたSEKITORI のクラスになる。HOSHORYUは下の位置でひとつの負けが多くなった。この二人は将来最高の位置で活躍するだろう。TKAKIESHOはTERUNOFUJIに負け、決定戦で賞杯を物にしたが、来場場所は
YOKODUNAとOHZEJIの力士を散らす良い内容で優勝できたらという条件で、YOKODUNAに推挙される可能性はある。しかし体が小さく押し相撲一途なので、意識しすぎて初日から負けがこむと難しい。あと一年は様子を見たほうがいいかもしれない。TEUNOFUJIは優勝または準優勝でOHZEKIの地位に戻れる。HAKUHO and KAKURYUはいつ引退するか分からないが来年が節目だろう。YOKODUNAを目指すASANOYAMAは最近悩んでいるし、SHODAIの今後には期待は出来るがまだ荒削りでYOKODUNAとOHZEKIが完全に揃った時での活躍は未知数だ。二人のOHZEJKIとも来場所は必死に相手を攻めてくる。来場所はTAKAKEISHOにとっては試練の場所となる。MITAKEUMIは体に恵まれた実力者だが、それに頼りすぎてメンタルで少しは弱いところがある。欲を出して本気になればYOKODUNAの地位も夢ではないのだが、再起に期待する。身長191センチ、体重150キロというKOTOSHOHOが期待値が急上昇という評判だ。個人的には彼は大物感があって頼もしく感じる。彼はまだ21歳なので日本のHKUHOという道を歩むかも知れない。WKATAKAGEは体が小さいのだが地力があり大きな相手でも真っ向勝負という根性が素晴らしい。今後はKOTOSHOHOとともに上のクラスに行ける器と見ている。KOTONOWAKAはHOSHORYUとともに期待がかかっている。最軽量のENHOは今回2勝13敗といいところが無かったが、次の大会では盛り返すだろう。私が高校生の時、相撲協会の地方巡業での稽古の合閒にTAIHOと握手する機会があった。相撲取りの手は大きくて温かい。大相撲はコロナ禍のなかでもたくましく伝統を守り続けている。私は日本人に生まれて良かったなぁとつくづく思う。
Vol.0020… "Power map of the Japanese sumo industry two years later"
OHZEKI's TAKAKEISHO won the grand sumo tournament in November 2020 for the first time in two years. New heroes have begun to appear in sumo wrestling. At HEISEI AREA, the activities of Mongolian wrestlers were remarkable. The top classes such as HAKUHO, KAKURYU, ASASHORYU, and HARUMAFUJI have become the sign of Japanese sumo wrestling, and Japanese wrestlers have been content with their side roles, but recently the expected wrestlers of the Japanese have become more prominent. There are many wrestlers who once went up to the top of the Makuuchi, but were injured and lowered the class to MAKUSHITA or lower, and made efforts to crawl up again and return. It is worthy of respect for TERUNOFUJI, RYUDEN, and CHIYONO KUNI who have seen hell in the rigor of the game. NAYA, the grandson of TAHIO, will be in the long-awaited SEKITORI class in the next tournament because he has 6 wins and 1 loss in the November tournament. HOSHORYU lost one more at the lower position. These two will play an active part in the best position in the future. TKAKIESHO lost to TERUNOFUJI and won the prize cup in the decisive battle, but the place of visit was
There is a possibility that YOKODUNA will be recommended on the condition that he can win the championship with good content that scatters YOKODUNA and OHZEJI wrestlers. However, since his body is small and he is pushing sumo, it is difficult if he is too conscious and loses from the first day. It may be better to see the situation for another year. TEUNOFUJI can return to OHZEKI's position with a victory or runner-up. I don't know when HAKUHO and KAKURYU will retire, but next year will be a turning point. ASANOYAMA aiming for YOKODUNA has been worried recently, and although SHODAI's future can be expected, it is still rough and the activity when YOKODUNA and OHZEKI are completely aligned is unknown. Both OHZEJKI come to the place desperately to attack the other. The place of arrival will be a place of trial for TAKAKEISHO. MITAKEUMI is a talented person who is blessed with a physical body, but he relies too much on it and is mentally a little weak. YOKODUNA's position is not a dream if he gets greedy and serious, but I look forward to a comeback. KOTOSHOHO, which is 191 cm tall and weighs 150 kg, has a reputation for rising expectations. Personally, he feels big and reliable. He is only 21 years old, so he may follow the path of HKUHO in Japan. WKATAKAGE has a small body, but it has a lot of strength, and even a big opponent has a great guts to play head-to-head. In the future, I see it as a vessel that can go to the upper class with KOTOSHOHO. KOTONOWAKA is expected with HOSHORYU. The lightest ENHO had no good points with 2 wins and 13 losses this time, but it will be revived in the next tournament. When I was a high school student, I had the opportunity to shake hands with TAIHO during a training session on a local tour of the Sumo Association. Sumo wrestlers are big and warm. Sumo is a strong tradition in the corona wreck. I'm glad I was born in Japan.
In terms of competition, the essence of sumo and presidential elections is the same. Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump in the US presidential election under the rules of the election, but the loser should admit the result. If the loser does not admit the situation forever, it is a crisis for the American people that the priority of the corona wreck will be delayed and the transition to power will not be smooth. The defeated general does not talk about soldiers. In this regard, please follow the Chinese proverb and the Japanese samurai spirit. If the lord admits to lose, he gives priority to his vassals and territories and either retires himself or makes the noble decision of seppuku in Bushido and Chivalry. I don't think Donald Trump had that basic resolution. I'm really sorry. Even if you lose the battle, if you stick to that position by using a trick to the elector, it must be marked as a big stain in the history of the US president or humankind. And the country of U.S.A. is turned away from the future eternal world. Even if Donald Trump re-runs in 2024, no matter how delusional Trump followers or enthusiastic Republican supporters, if he doesn't have the will or common sense to follow democratic rules, he'll probably get a vote for him. I will refrain from it. I think that is the way Americans value the good old traditions that are respected by the world.